On SBC news

Southern Baptist Convention News

Recently the SBC had its annual convention. Every SBC church can send “messengers” to the convention based upon the number of members and contribution amounts to the cooperative program. Therefore, every SBC church has a voice in the convention.*

*Personally, I have not attended any SBC convention except in 2014 when it was in Baltimore.

The 2024 convention news has intrigued some of our members with questions. Below are some bullet point highlights of discussion I have received.

  • On in-vitro fertilization. You can read the full text of the resolution on IVF.[1] In essence, the resolution does not entirely oppose IVF, nor persons who have used IVF. However, the resolution simply reaffirms what Baptists (and Christians) believe about life starting at conception, and how that should be protected. Indeed, there are ethical concerns about IVF that one must consider, which is the aim of the resolution: “to reaffirm the unconditional value and right to life of every human being, including those in an embryonic stage, and to only utilize reproductive technologies consistent with that affirmation especially in the number of embryos generated in the IVF process”.[2] Please consider reading the full resolution, rather than “news” summaries about the resolution – including my own!
  • On female pastors: Our statement of faith (BFM2K) is clear that pastors/elders are to be male, according to 1 Timothy 3.[3] The 2023 convention used this statement of faith to unseat messengers from two churches on this topic, prominently Saddleback Church. The 2024 convention did the same with another church: FBC Alexandria, VA. Each of these decisions by messengers were approximately 90% or above. YET, a sought amendment to the SBC constitution received the 2/3 vote last year but about 5% shy of the same necessary vote this year to pass. Amending constitutions have a high threshold for necessary reasons, showing its importance among other principled issues. It seems, a large percentage – though not majority – of messengers (and thus majority of churches across the convention) remain complementarian but have concerns for the application of the wording of “only men as any kind of pastor or elder.” SBC churches are autonomous, and do not value a top-down approach to uniformity. In other words, there are some churches with female “pastors” that minister, direct, organize, and facilitate a service to the body and that church has deemed it necessary to call them a “pastor.” This is more confusing than necessary as churches should be careful with its job titles to align with Scripture.[4] While we may be able to discern women having pastoral-like gifts[5] such as caring and guiding, teaching and training, SBC churches overwhelmingly affirm the office of pastor/elder is reserved for men; with the SBC as a convention affirming complementarian theology.[6]
  • On abuse reform.[7] As every denomination and other institutions, churches in SBC have been impacted by stories of sexual abuse. The SBC has made efforts to facilitate peace and justice to victims, though imperfectly. Further, the SBC has made efforts to raise awareness with churches through training, screening, protecting, reporting, and caring.[8]
  • On justice and peace for Israel, see the resolution.[9]
Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com
  • For a full list of 2024 and past resolutions.[10]

SBC is best known and celebrated for its cooperative mission efforts. These standout:

  • IMB commissioned 83 missionaries in undisclosed places to spread the gospel. IMB celebrated God’s work in 2023 with mission work in 155 countries, almost 117K baptisms; and 451K people hearing the gospel.
  • NAMB celebrated 35 of 41 state conventions reported increased baptisms last year. Overall, baptisms increased by 26% among SBC churches, the highest percentage gain in at least 25 years – and with only 61% of churches reporting.  
  • NAMB celebrated 11,071 church plants in 14 years.
  • NAMB reported 162K people trusted in Jesus through Send Relief ministry projects around the world in 2023. 49K volunteers were mobilized; 4.3 million people served; 1.8 million heard the gospel through these projects.
  • NAMB reported in 2023 over 3K sponsored chaplains made 100K gospel conversations, 18K professions of faith, and 1700 baptisms.
  • The SBC in reality is more unified in relationships and mission than is characterized on social media.

SBC 2024 Convention video links (courtesy of BCMD pastor Keith Myer)

In all, these are just glance at some summary highlights of God’s work and activity through the SBC. Thankfully, God’s kingdom goes beyond the SBC to brothers and sisters serving faithfully in their biblical convictions and local context. For SBC, each church is autonomous, and willingly networks and partners together for the good of the church and advancing the Great Commission. If you have specific questions beyond this brief outline summary of SBC news, or items concerning our specific SPBC family, please feel free to communicate.  

[1] https://www.sbc.net/resource-library/resolutions/on-the-ethical-realities-of-reproductive-technologies-and-the-dignity-of-the-human-embryo/

[2] https://erlc.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Ethical-and-Theological-Considerations-on-IVF.pdf

[3] https://bfm.sbc.net/bfm2000/#vi

[4] See https://www.9marks.org/article/what-job-titles-should-churches-use-two-simple-rules/

[5] Consider Sam Storms article: https://www.samstorms.org/enjoying-god-blog/post/a-complementarian-case-for-women-as-pastors

[6] https://www.baptistpress.com/resource-library/news/first-person-a-convention-of-complementarian-churches/

[7] See prior resolutions and task force info, starting: https://www.sbc.net/resource-library/topic-index/sexual-abuse/

[8] See the task force recommendations and online training: https://sbcabuseprevention.com/faq-on-the-aritfs-2024-report-recommendations/

[9] See https://www.sbc.net/resource-library/resolutions/on-justice-and-peace-in-the-aftermathof-the-october-7-attack-on-israel/

[10] See https://www.sbc.net/resource-library/resolutions/